Thursday, September 4, 2008

the nature of web 2.0 ---Haisheng lu

After watching the YouTube video “The Machine Us/ing Us”, I think the nature of web 2.0 is on two element facts:
1) The World Wide Web is no longer a machine or a tool but has become a kind of relationship between people, just like love, family, classmates, co-workers or friends.
2) The human beings are becoming a subset of the World Wide Web
It reminds me of Keanu Reeves’s movie “The Matrix”. Will it be true that one day all the human beings would do nothing but just “sleeping in a “real” dream”? It appears so, I think.

Because yesterday the World Wide Web was just a super library that we can find any information we need., but today it has already becomes a relationship that we rely on. Maybe tomorrow it will develop its own mind, or we should say “his” mind.
That’s why in the final seconds of “The Machine Us/ing Us”, the author says “we will need to rethink ourselves”

1 comment:

myoussef100 said...

I like your thinking of how the video of web 2.0 that was shown in the class,was like the movie" The Matrix" because our lives are just a series of relationships or communications .I feel sometimes that Iam like a machine because there are some things which direct us or determine how our lives should move out . The evidence is that we without internet are lost in world where we speak the chat language.I believe strongly that our days go around us like a dream and our dreams depend on a WEB.