Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gaming With an Opponent Who's 'Over There'

Xbox Live can be played all around the world

1 comment:

JinChuang(ITF) said...

That’s a real good article and I just want to say I also enjoy the Xbox. I always played video games with my little friends when I was child and till now I never forget that special feeling and that was such a happy time in my life. However; as the computer technique and Internet developing there are so many computer games and online games already. People could chose which kind of games they like to play together with other players in the whole world. And for me,
I also played online games sometimes but I could not find the feeling as the same as I playing video games when I was a young boy. In my opinion, some people like my age might have the same feeling and want to find back the happy time belongs to their childhood. So the Xbox is a good way and good production for providing us to continue enjoying our favorite