I just had a thought about unknowingly appearing in a photo posted by another member of Facebook. Would the poster of that photo be liable for any damages arising from his/her "unauthorized" use of your likeness? Facebook does raise some interesting points regarding privacy...
Interesting question. I guess it would depend on the nature of the photo, the nature of the damages, but mostly the nature of why the photo would be damaging. I mean, I still think that if you do something stupid or illegal, and someone takes your picture while you're doing it, and you get arrested or sued or whatever, you can't really blame the person who took the picture, whether it was posted on Youtube or not.
i think in the cyber network, to believe that no one has privacy is faster. once you believe that, you can try everything to get used to it.
i think the problem is, the "cyber" is no longer "sitting" in the cable but getting out into the real life...
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