Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jeffrey Gomez thesis statement

Volance in video games does not play a role on the violant acts that are commited by either children or people.


Enjolras said...

That is a very good thesis statement. It throws your point out there and makes you want to read more like "hey, prove it." Although I don't think I'd end it with "children or people". I kind of sounds like you're saying children aren't people...which could be argued lol. But I'm confused. I thought we had to write it about our web community. Maybe I'm wrong...or I just missed the connection between violent video games and web communities =P

Amar Kaur said...

This is a good statement but don't you think it is too general or broad. Like Katrina said, we have to make an argument on any issue concerning our cyber community

Corey Frost said...

Hi Jeffrey

I think this is good, too, but it needs some tweaking. First of all, fix your spelling mistakes! I'm sure if you proofread before you post, you will catch them. It's hard to read a sentence seriously when "violence" and "violent" are both spelled incorrectly.

On the question of specificity, though, I think this works. I do want you to write about your specific cyber-community, but it's more important that you relate it to a significant issue. So here you could use xboxlive as an example to illustrate your main argument, that video game violence and real violence are unrelated.
