Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Ad (SORRY better late than never)

I think that Obama is more successful in the election ads than McCain. Obama is addressing “change” to America by introducing himself as a “black” man. America has always depended on a “white” man to lead this country, and I think now, more than ever, is the best time for a change. Minorities will feel more acceptable and important. Obama is cutting taxes for the working class which is very significant since we work so hard to have a roof over our head and to put food on the table. Fewer taxes will help us pay off all our bills and provide a better life for our families. He also mentions moving people from welfare into working. I think this is a great plan! There are so many individuals who are stuck in welfare because they know that they will get help monthly and cannot depend on a job. Providing these people with a steady working position will help them mentally by increasing their self-esteem and by providing a better life for their families. Obama attracts a large number of families who were raised by a single parent and who struggled financially because he was raised in that way. Obama states, “Do to others what you would want done to yourself”. I think this statement is very significant since many people do not follow it and if many did, the world would be a better place with more love and less hate. On the other hand, McCain is introducing the same things that most of our past presidents have introduced, especially Bush. McCain is offering a prosperous future and I remember Bush introducing the same thing and he has only caused more harm than good. In addition, electing a “white” president will demonstrate that presidents with from other ethnic groups will never be able to lead this country. WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!

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