Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hi. Yesterday in class I wanted to show you all some wiki pages that you might find inspiring. Well, now I have the links.

The students in another Cyber 110 class are working on these projects:
The history of chewing gum.
The history of money.
The history of subways.

Also, here are those pages we were looking at on Quotation/Paraphrase/Summary, and on the use of quotation marks.

I'm working on marking your second papers; I hope you are working on writing annotations for your wikis, and planning what you will talk about in your presentation on Monday. Let me give you a quick recap of what I expect for the presentations. First, one of you will give a quick overview of your topic and how you decided to break it down for research purposes. Then each member of your team will report on what sources he or she found and give a summary of one of the sources, including any highlights that you found particularly interesting (specific surprising, impressive, or important details). You should prepare notes, of course, but I don't want you to read your presentation to us, so don't write down exactly what you intend to say. Instead, make a list of a few points you want to cover and then explain them to us as you would in conversation with a friend. You will be expected to talk for only a few minutes. If you want to show pictures or other info during your presentation, I suggest preparing it on your wiki, and we can project it behind you. Make sure you discuss your plans with all the members of your group before Monday.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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